29th March
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
- information stands
- workshops
- presentations
- shows
- exhibitions
- events
- activities
The École Internationale Edward Steichen
The École internationale Edward Steichen is a state school with no fees. As an accredited European School, it is linked to the European Schools system by an accreditation agreement and offers education based on the curriculum and programmes of the European Schools. Our school programme leads to the European Baccalaureate, recognised throughout Europe for access to university and other Higher Education studies or to vocational training.
Brochure Virtual tour 360°
Enrolment form
International school offer

Nursery (Early Education)
"Early Education" is the generic term used to denote the first two years of teaching and education in a school setting.
Classes: M1 - M2
Age: 4-5 years

The primary cycle covers five years.
Classes: P1 – P5
Age: 6-10 years

The secondary cycle covers seven years’ teaching and is subdivided into three cycles:
Observation cycle:
Classes S1–S3, Age 11-13 years
Pre-orientation cycle:
Classes S4–S5, Age 14-16 years
Orientation cycle:
Classes S6–S7, Age 16-18 years
Classes of the European nursery and primary school are taking place in Reuler.
After-school care may be provided by the "Maison Relais Reuler".
Language sections and language teaching
The European Schools allow pupils to follow a personalised linguistic path. Pupils enrol in a specific language section. Currently the school offers three language sections: English, French and German.
In the first year of primary school, pupils choose a first foreign language (called Language 2) - German, English or French. The study of this Language 2 continues until the Baccalaureate and some subjects are taught in Language 2 at secondary level.
All pupils must learn a second foreign language (called Language 3) from the first year of secondary school.
From Year 4 of Secondary school, pupils have the opportunity to study a third foreign language (called Language 4).
The fourth foreign language (called Language 5) is a complementary course in years 6 and 7 of secondary school.
Detailed information on the levels of linguistic competence can be found in ourbrochure
Learning concept
21st century skills
Problem-solving skills refer to the ability to find solutions to a given problem.
This skill is about critically analysing information in order to form a judgment and opinion.
Creativity refers to the ability to use original ideas to generate something new and of a high quality, whether in arts or science.
Innovation is expressed through the capacity to draw on knowledge in different fields to offer original solutions and points of view.
This skill refers to a student’s ability to work together with other people, by recognizing their own role within a group and contributing effectively.
Character takes into account a person’s individuality, their main character traits and their reactions in everyday situations.
Media literacy refers to the ability to use media and ICTs in all their forms, while encouraging a critical stance towards their content.
Communication refers to the ability to transmit and receive information, both in written and spoken form.
Entrepreneurship involves a person’s motivation and capacitiy to turn ideas into action, often by taking on a proactive role within a group.
This skill allows a person to understand cultural differences by recognizing their own culture and accepting and valuing other cultures at the same time.
Pedagogical concept
Lycée Edward Steichen extends the concept of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to the notion of MIICT (Media, Images, Information and Communication Technologies). This takes into account the overlap between the all pervasive digital world and the media (press, radio, television, multimedia publishing, Web, etc.) and the widespread use of the Internet as the daily working envi- ronment. MIICT is also where ICT and critical thinking about ICT and information come together (via media education).
| projet 121 – lesc goes mobile |
Our classes, as from P5, operate on a "One-to-One" principle, meaning that each pupil will have his or her own personal digital tablet (iPad) to use at school and at home. A modern curriculum strengthens young people while allowing them to use mo- bile technology as a valuable complementary learning tool.
Future Hub

The School bears the Future Hub label. Future Hub is a label for secondary schools that are open to technology and innovative learning in science, especially computer science.
Educational Support
It can happen that any child may need support at some time during their schooling. Different forms and levels of support are provided, designed to ensure appropriate help for pupils experiencing difficulties in a particular aspect of a subject or having special educational needs at any point in their school career, to allow them to develop and progress according to their potential and to be successfully integrated.
Communication and Culture
The diversity of our pupils’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds is a rich resource which fosters openness to the world. Communication is one of the keys to learning at the Lycée Edward Steichen. In parallel with developing intellectual faculties and the mind, the Lycée Edward Steichen is committed more widely to use citizenship as a means to come together and to develop social dialogue for increasing community cohesion and shared common values.
"Orientation, Awareness, Communication, Support, Information"
One period per week is reserved for activities of the OSCAR type. These activities focus on themes that are often overlooked or dealt with incidentally during traditional courses (e.g. learning to learn, 21st century skills, iPad management, addiction prevention and awareness, cyber awareness, school system, KIVA anti-bullying programme, pupil committee, etc.).
Workshops "Entreprise"
Every semester, i.e. every six months, each pupil can register for at least one 90-minute workshop per week in one of the following fi elds: art and culture, crafts, communication and media, science, sport, technology and innovation, living together. By focusing on the discovery of a wide range of active living areas, the interdisciplinary nature of our world of work, the development of 21st century skills, entrepreneurship, and project-based teaching, these workshops enable pupils to become responsible themselves for part of their academic and professional development.
Each pupil is supported by a coach. During weekly one to one interviews, the coach supports the pupil in developing his/her career plans. The coach listens to the pupil and helps him/her to build his/ her personal portfolio.
Extra-curricular & out-of-class activities
These activities include support courses and addressing gaps in learning, as well as cultural, sporting and scientific activities, and optional complementary learning activities.
The socio-educational service provides basic support outside the classroom, which is enriched by a range of teacher-run activities that assist, improve and develop further interest in learning science. Lo- cal educational providers - external to LESC - complete the school offer and create links with the wider community and region.
At the Reuler primary school site, the full day care programme and the extra-curricular and out-of-class activities are planned in close collaboration with day-care centre.
School guidance services and learning pathways
The École Edward Steichen adapts a constantly evolving guidance procedure. Its key components are:
- Adapted interdisciplinarity (manual work, mechanics, robotics, etc ...),
- A component which helps to organise everyday life in a meaningful way,
- A component to support professional life,
- A component to help prepare for student life (CV, competitions, interviews)
These guidance activities include collaboration with the world of work, such as optional and orientation internships with companies in the region and in the social sector.
These guidance activities also emphasise the partnership with the social and economic world beyond the classroom: Integrating the national and European sections within the Lycée Edward Steichen makes it possible to propose at any time the learning pathways best suited to each pupil so that he/she can succeed in his/her future professional life.
Social psychological support service and networks

The School Psychosocial and Support Service (SePAS) carry out various tasks to ensure the well-being and development of students at LESC.
>> more information

The Socio-Educational Service (SSE) carry out various tasks to ensure the well-being and development of students at LESC.
>> more information

Our services are aimed at pupils with special needs, their legal representatives and their teachers. Together with the teachers, we accompany and support pupils with special needs throughout their school career at LESC.
>> more information

Career guidance (cellule d'orientation) offers support to students and parents in all matters concerning career choice, apprenticeships, training and study.
Consulting hours:
>> Infos & details (PDF)
>> Brochure (PDF)

Our school project aims to "Rethink assessment at LESC". We are working to develop a common culture of formative assessment, enabling students to learn more independently and teachers to better manage their teaching.

The Fairtrade Schools campaign offers schools the opportunity to actively work for a better world and take responsibility.
>> Website
eelisabeth Jeunesse offers a wide range of services and activities for young people aged 12 to 26. elisabethjeunesse.lu

A group of expert-students is at the students’ disposal to help them use their iPads more effectively and efficently for academic purposes every Tursday from 2.45 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

A makerspace is a collaborative work space facility for making, learning, exploring and sharing that uses high tech to no tech tools.
Lycée Edward Steichen
1 Rue Edward Steichen
L-9707 Clervaux
Tel.: |+352| 206 007-1
Fax:|+352| 206 007-777
E-Mail: info@lesc.lu
Website: www.lesc.lu
Students secretary national
Cynthia KLEIN
Tel.: |+352| 206 007-210
Students secretary international
Tel.: |+352| 206 007-211
Responsibilities: absences, enrolments, ...
Management secretary
Tel.: |+352| 206 007-200